The Rock Weekly – December 21, 2022


Light In The Darkness

“For God, who said, “Let there be LIGHT in the darkness,” has made His LIGHT shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.”  2 Cor 4:6

Hello Rock Family,

We are closing in on Christmas…only 4 days away!  Can you believe it? This Christmas Eve’s service is titled The Light in the Darkness.  As I was preparing my heart for this message, I was “interrupted” by some timely needs in our community.  As you probably know, the weather is about to get extremely cold with temperatures not getting above 0 degrees tomorrow.  These are temperatures that people do not survive in overnight!  That said, we had some conversations with Douglas County today and are now opening our church facility as an emergency shelter for those in need – including those displaced from their home, those who may break down on the highways, and any family that loses power in their home or have broken pipes.  

As we began preparing, it was amazing to see so many people volunteer to help in any way possible.  I am grateful that we aren’t a church that just preaches about being a “light in the darkness”, we actually become light and love to a dark and hurting world. 

Whoever lives in love (LIGHT), lives in God and God in them!”  1 John 4:16

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

I have to admit that there was a moment where I felt too busy to help and open our facility.  Thank God that was only for a moment. 😊  I want to encourage us to never allow ourselves to be too busy to help someone who is struggling or in need.  I realize that God is so often giving us opportunities to partner with Him, we just have to say YES.  

So may we love well, pray for those struggling, and help those with needs.    

Father God, help us to see people the way you see them. Not as a burden or distraction, but as one of your children. Help us to see the opportunities for love that’s hidden in plain sight. We ask for the empowering of your Holy Spirit to give us the right word, and the right strategy, at just the right time. 

We look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus with you this Saturday at 3pm. And in case we don’t see you, have a merry Christmas. 

With love,
Pastors Mike & Andrew, and The Rock staff





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YOUTH ~ BASE CAMP (6th – 12th Grade) – WEDNESDAY NIGHT – 7:00pm
Invite a friend and come have a great time. If you have any questions, email


EMBER – Young Adults (Ages 18-29) – Friday Nights at 6:30pm
Meet in the Chapel for a time of worship, prayer, teaching, and connection.


FOOD BANK DISTRIBUTION – 1st & 3rd Saturday of the Month
Email if you would like to volunteer or have questions.


SUNDAY MORNING PRE-SERVICE PRAYER  8:15-9:15am – *In-Person & On-line*
ZOOM Direct Video Link:
ZOOM Meeting ID: 853 4016 4797
          ZOOM Phone Option +12532158782,,85340164797#


SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 9:45am  *In-Person & On-line*
           Facebook Live:
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OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE  Here are some ways you can partner with The Rock as you practice generosity – our regular tithe/giving, compassion help, missions, and our food bank.  Click on the following link or graphic.


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