“The Only Constant is Change”

Hi Rock Family,

This Sunday we will be honoring and celebrating moms.  We will have two photo backdrops (one in the foyer and one in the children’s wing) where you will be able to take pictures with your family.

Also, this is Baptism Sunday.  If you would like to get baptized, please email us at Family@therock.org


Many of you have heard the saying “The only constant is change”, and this seems to be holding true in these interesting times.  🙂  Yet for Christians there seems to be a mentality that we need to get our churches back to the way they were before COVID.  There are traditions and church “procedures” that have infiltrated over the years and stuck in churches and denominations.  You know the verse, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Heb 13:8) or maybe the verse, “For I the Lord do not change…” (Mal 3:6).   I believe we have taken on a mindset that God likes routine and prefers things stay the same.  Yet I would tell you that ONLY God’s nature and character never change and that everything God does is ever changing!


Structure and tradition help to remove the need to walk in faith and rely on the Holy Spirit.  Jesus didn’t say to hold on to traditions, He said ‘Follow me’.   Jesus constantly shook up structures and traditions while on this earth.  Jesus even told the religious leaders, “You nullify the word of God by your traditions.”(Mk 7:13)  As I think through the healings of Jesus in the Bible, I can’t think of two that were done the same way.  And not only were they not done the same way, but they typically done in ways that boggled minds.  Take for example the time when Lazarus died.  Jesus took His sweet time and waited a couple extra days before showing up to raise Lazarus from the dead.  The tomb even smelled, which meant his flesh was rotting.  And what about the time Jesus took dirt, spit in it, mixed it up, and put it in the man’s eyes?  Couldn’t He have just touched the man or told him he was healed?  Sadly, we often get offended if something happens out of the ordinary or doesn’t go as planned.  In Matt 11:6, Jesus says, “Blessed is the one who is not offended by me.”  Which means if we are not careful, we will get offended at the things Jesus does…even now!   The Bible calls Jesus “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” (1 Pet 2:8)   Isn’t it interesting that it was those who would today be called the pastors and religious leaders who were THE MOST offended by what Jesus did – to the point of killing Him.


We are entering a new era and the wind of the Spirit is changing and also increasing.  We have put up our sails to catch the wind and the past season has been amazing, but we can’t get comfortable!  We need to be sensitive to the new direction of the wind and then make the proper adjustments so the wind catches our sails!  Otherwise we will be ‘dead in the water’ (nautical term)!  The Spirit is on the move and I want to encourage you to press into the Lord, get oil for your lamp, abide in Him, and get to know His voice even better!  Make this your TOP priority.  Make the changes to your calendar.


Behold I am doing a new thing. Do not look to the former things…to the things of old. What I have for you is not a model. It is not a template. It is a masterpiece created by me. Look to me and only to me. Many will try and draw you to plans and to the wisdom of man. But I say woe to those who try and forsake the plans of my hand for the plans of men. Do not forsake my plans for security and sanity. It is time to move, but move with me. Worship me and know the beat of my heart, the breath of my lungs, and the sound of my voice. I am coming to you and my breath will be in you and move through you.  (Part of a Word from July 2019 – for right now!)



WEDNESDAY NIGHT SERVICE (5/5)   6:45pm  * In-Person & On-Line 

Facebook Live:  https://www.facebook.com/rockchurchco
The Rock Online Livestream:  https://www.therock.org/live/


YOUTH ~BASE CAMP (6th – 12th Grade) – WEDNESDAY NIGHT (5/5) – 7:00pm

Join us in the Student Auditorium!  We are excited to see each of you!  Contact Pastor Kristi at kristi@therock.org with any questions.


Thursday Evening (5/6) Hot Meals & Saturday Morning (5/8) Food Bank Distribution


Email Lindy@therock.org if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.


SUNDAY MORNING (5/9) PRE-SERVICE PRAYER  8:15-9:15am – *In-Person & On-line*              

ZOOM Direct Video Link:


ZOOM Meeting ID: 853 4016 4797

Passcode: 1   (NOTE: The Passcode was added for security,

              but is not needed if you click on the ZOOM link above.)
              ZOOM Phone Option +12532158782,,85340164797#


SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE (5/9) 9:45am  *In-Person & On-line*

Facebook Live:  https://www.facebook.com/rockchurchco
The Rock Online Livestream:  https://www.therock.org/live/


May the Lord strengthen you with Holy Spirit power according to His glorious might so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way!   (Col 1:10-11)

Happy Mothers Day to all you moms! 

We love you!

Pastors Mike & Kristi and your Rock Staff family



OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE  If you would like to give to The Rock, here are some convenient ways you can partner with us as you practice generosity – our regular tithe/giving, COVID help, and our compassion/food bank.  Click on the following link or graphic.  www.therock.org/give


Need Prayer, Help, Feel Alone, or Disconnected?
Please email us at 
family@therock.org and put PRAYER, NEED HELP, or CONNECT ME at the top of your email.