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Worship Service - 9am
May 27, 2018 at 9:00 AM
Organizer: Lori Makkai

A typical service is about an hour and 45 minutes long, and includes praise-and-worship, a few announcements, and a message. However, it is important we make room for the Holy Spirit’s leading and services are adjusted accordingly.

Don’t worry about dressing up special, we don’t need to pretend to be something for God to notice us. Instead, at all of our services, you’ll find a casual atmosphere of people who genuinely love God. None of us are perfect, but we’re united by a common love for Jesus.

If you don’t have a Bible, we’d love to give you one. Near the doors where you enter the sanctuary there’s a table with a sign and a bunch of Bibles. Take one, and consider it a gift from us to you.

For more information on what to expect at The Rock, PLAN A VISIT with us!  
